Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week

In crew this morning we looked at the characters from Inside Out and thought about which of the zones of regulation they would belong in. For some of them it was tricky to put them in just one zone!

In our check out we thought about which of the characters we feel most like today, luckily we didn’t have any Angers or Ennuis in crew this morning!

Art and Design & Technology in Year One

Class 3 enjoyed practising and developing their shading skills this week. It was great to see their hard work pay off when they applied these skills to their final beetroot drafts.

In design and technology they learnt how to safely use a grater to grate the beetroot ready for our delicious beetroot, banana and apple smoothies!

Spinach Cake

Year 1 enjoyed a treat today when Mrs Wojcik brought in a spinach cake she had made. Most of us had never had a green cake before and were surprised by how delicious it was!

Thank you Mrs Wojcik, we’d love it if you could share the recipe with us.


Class 3 have been on a fact finding mission this afternoon, finding and reading interesting facts about carrots to add to our anchor charts. It was lovely to see how confidently they applied their phonics skills to the challenge.

They also learnt a new skill and got to grips with a new piece of equipment whilst peeling the carrots.

In art we looked carefully at the detail on the carrots when completing our line drawings. We critiqued our first drafts thinking about how we could improve them.

We’re looking forward to completing our carrotfact files

Green Fingers in Class 3!

We had fun during our family learning session this afternoon when our grown ups joined us in class to find out the title of our new expedition ‘Ready, Steady, Grow! How will I be the healthiest version on me?’ We planted cress heads and peas and can’t wait to watch them grow.

Oliver’s Vegetables

After reading our new core text ‘Oliver’s Vegetables’ we have been finding out all about spinach. In our tasting session everyone was willing to have a try and some of us were even surprised that we liked it! We identified the features of fact files in preparation for writing some of our own. Finally, we ended the afternoon with a lovely art lesson and gallery walk to look at everyone’s first drafts. We can’t wait to have a go at a second draft.

Fruit Tasting

We have been showing courage this morning tasting lots of different fruits that we have read about in Handa’s Surprise. We thought carefully and used our anchor chart to describe the different fruits.

We pulled some funny faces trying some of the sour fruits!

Mrs Parsons x

Crew in Year 1

We have had a lovely week in our crew reading books with our partners and looking at our beautiful work. We enjoyed our story time and a warm cup of hot chocolate during our outdoor crew session.

Photograph Bingo

Class Five have been busy in computing learning how to use digital devices to take photographs. We also learnt when it is okay to take someones photograph.

I’m looking forward to seeing your completed ‘photography bingo boards’!

Mrs Parsons x