Class Six Invade Conisbrough Castle

Yesterday Class Six took over Conisbrough Castle. We hopped off the coach and straight into our “History Of The Castle” workshop where we learned all about Lord Hamlin and Lady Isabelle.

After lunch we headed into the grounds of the castle and explored where the prison, hall and kitchen would have been before heading up the tower. We climbed lots of stairs, exploring both Lord Hamlin and Lady Isabelle’s rooms on the way up to the top of the tower, looking over the village of Conisbrough!

What Lies Within The Castle Walls?

Y2 have kicked off our Autumn expedition in style with a fun filled week of activites. To start the week, we had an exciting visit from an expert – Mr Lamb!!

We have been artists. We spent the week creating stained glass windows, castle flags, clay shields and tissue paper torches. We have also been looking at the story of Cinderella, thinking about the characters and of course Cinderella’s glass slippper. To finish the week we threw a party fit for princes and princesses – all the children came dressed to impress with their own crowns and played party games, ate buns and revealed our title and guiding question.

It has been lovely getting to know the children over the last two weeks and we are so excited to full jump into our expedition!

Class Six Book Fairies

During crew week, Class Six asked ourselves “Does crew stop at the school gates?” We decided to be Norton Book Fairies and between Y2 delivered 20 books around Norton. These were left around the village for people to find and take home.

We hope everyone is enjoying our books and leaving them around the village for other people to find!!

What time is it Class 6?

In maths this week we are working hard on telling the time using analogue clocks. We’ve had fun making our own interactive clocks and using them to make the time. We’ve also enjoyed applying our skills whilst playing games with our friends.

Let’s see if Class 6 can show off their skills at home by telling you what time it is or working out how many minutes it is until a certain event. 

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Goodyer

Collaboration in Crew

Last week when Ros Jones came in to visit she told us about the Peace Window, a beautiful stained glass window in Doncaster Mansion House. She told us that each symbol used in the design represented something from Doncaster’s history. In crew this week we worked together to research what each picture in the Peace Window represented and also found out that the window was made for everyone in the past and everyone today who seeks peace.

Immersed in Reading

Class 6 have been enjoying our brand new fluency books in reading groups this week. We’ve been wowed by new facts we’ve learned, shared our opinions in group discussions and explored new vocabulary that will make our writing more interesting in the future. ‘Talk to the Tail’ has been a real page turner!