What time is it Class 6?

In maths this week we are working hard on telling the time using analogue clocks. We’ve had fun making our own interactive clocks and using them to make the time. We’ve also enjoyed applying our skills whilst playing games with our friends.

Let’s see if Class 6 can show off their skills at home by telling you what time it is or working out how many minutes it is until a certain event. 

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Goodyer

Collaboration in Crew

Last week when Ros Jones came in to visit she told us about the Peace Window, a beautiful stained glass window in Doncaster Mansion House. She told us that each symbol used in the design represented something from Doncaster’s history. In crew this week we worked together to research what each picture in the Peace Window represented and also found out that the window was made for everyone in the past and everyone today who seeks peace.

Immersed in Reading

Class 6 have been enjoying our brand new fluency books in reading groups this week. We’ve been wowed by new facts we’ve learned, shared our opinions in group discussions and explored new vocabulary that will make our writing more interesting in the future. ‘Talk to the Tail’ has been a real page turner!

Spots and Dots

We had a great community meeting this morning. We thought really hard about resilience and bravery particularly when it comes to completing beautiful work that we might find tricky.

We listened to the story called The Dot about a little girl called Vashti who found art difficult but worked hard and succeeded. We all got a dot of our very own to create our own mini piece of art work which we put together to make our very own dotty masterpiece.

We finished our community meeting with crew champions – we are really proud of all of you.

Mrs Parsons