Spooky Community Meeting

We had a very spooky start to our day today!! It was lovely to celebrate the end of our Reception children’s first half term in full time school…..what an amazing job they have all done, working hard, being kind and getting smart.

EYFS showing we care…

This week the reception children enjoyed a walk to Campsall Church. We took with us the corn dollies that the nursery children made, along with a harvest flower bouquet that was handmade by our reception children. The church wardens were delighted with our gifts. This act of kindness made the children feel happy and we enjoyed showing that we care in our local community.

The children behaved impeccably on our walk and we were very proud of them.

Meet Ralph…

This week the children considered the question… ‘is it only humans that show they care?’ We quickly discovered that we share our world with amazing animals who show kindness, love and care in lots of different ways. We were lucky enough to meet Ralph, a therapy dog from the charity Pets are Therapy. The children loved hearing all about Ralph and the important job that he has bringing people joy and happiness.

After the visit we thought about all the words we could think of to describe Ralph. Here are just a few…

EYFS Community Meeting

We started our meeting by singing our ‘Wake Up Shake Up’ song. It was a great way to start the day. We then celebrated all of the amazing learning behaviours that we have seen in our Reception classes this week. Well done to all of our children who received postcards…

Desert Island Balancing

In P.E this week the children enjoyed playing a balancing game. The children helped one another by holding onto each other. We all found that balancing on one foot was the most challenging. Great team work and impressive balancing skills class 1!

Super Spellers

This week in phonics the children have learnt a new strategy to help them spell words. We use our segmenting fingers to help us break down the word before we write it. I have been blown away by their attempts! Keep it up Class 1!

Our stars of the week…

As always there’s been so many moments of children working hard, getting smart and being kind. Here’s our stars from this week receiving their certificates and prizes…

Creating Beautiful Work

The children in class 1 have been getting creative with fruit and vegetables this week. We have been learning all about the Harvest Festival and have been thinking about where our food comes from. We then created a piece of art work using a selection of fruit and vegetables. Take a look at our impressive creations…

We have also been thinking of everything we have and what we are thankful for. The children warmed my heart with the things they said.

Well done for working so hard this week Class 1!

Community meeting in EYFS

Today we held our weekly meeting. It was a pleasure to be part of such a lovely celebration of our HoWL’s superstars. Some great examples of working hard, being kind and getting smart in our Early Years. Well done everyone!