A busy week in Class 2

Our Reception children continue to amaze us with the wonderful start they have made to the school year. This week they have started their reading journey in daily phonics sessions. They have also enjoyed exploring mathematical thinking in our counting collections session today.

We have also continued to explore our kindness theme with the help of the Hugasaurus book. We created an anchor chart of kind actions of Hugasaurus and then we all had a great time ripping and scrunching paper to make our very own Hugasaurus!

How do we show we care?

The children were so happy to discover that the Kindness Elves had returned with yet another gift…

We began to explore the question ‘How do we show we care?’ through the lens of ‘The Hugasaurus’. We created an anchor chart of the kind acts Hugasaurus carried out and thought about what kind actions we do everyday. Here are some photographs of the children showing kindness…

The children enjoyed getting creative and each made their very own Hugasaurus…

EYFS Teddy Bears Picnic

The children have enjoyed a delicious picnic in the sunshine today. Thank you to all the parents for your kind donations. The children had such a lovely time and it was a great way to end the week.

EYFS Community Meeting

We celebrated the end of our second full week in Reception with our Community Meeting in the sunshine. It was lovely to see lots of happy, smiley faces talking about the fun that we have had this week in crew. It was very difficult to choose our stars of the week for working hard, been kind and getting smart as all children have continued to amaze us. Well done Reception.

What an amazing first week back

We have really enjoyed getting to know each other in Class 2 and have loved exploring in all of our areas of provision. We particularly love our new outdoor area – it is amazing! We are already looking forward to the year ahead….it’s going to be lots of fun.

Our first community meeting…

This week in reception we have been talking to the children about our Habits of Working and Learning, which are, WORK HARD, GET SMART and BE KIND. Today we got to celebrate our stars of the week. We must say a huge well done to all of the children for settling into full time school so seamlessly.

Here are this weeks stars…

Gallery Walk

Class 2 had a wonderful morning looking at all the beautiful Olympic Games themed artwork that all our children had produced across both schools. The children were especially excited to walk around the Junior School and the experience gave them a great opportunity to talk about the amazing artwork together.

Celebrations and ice lollies!

Over the duration of this expedition the children have engaged in critical thinking about how to care for our seas, considering how we can make a difference to a big problem.

Today the children enjoyed performing the ‘sea shanty’ and ‘oh I do like to be beside the seaside’ in our celebration of learning to parents. We also got to watch a video that encapsulates the beautiful work our EYFS children have produced in this expedition. Each child got to take home a sticker for their blue bin to remind them of the importance of recycling at home.

It was great to see the children sharing their learning journey’s with parents and enjoying a well deserved ice lolly. What an amazing expedition! Well done for working so hard and showing such care and concern for our planet.

How to draw a pirate

The children in reception have enjoyed learning how to draw a pirate in the style of Simon Rickerty’s ‘Ten Little Pirates’. The children showed high levels of concentration and engagement. As a result they produced some high quality work that blew us away…

Rockpool Explorers!

Last week the children had a wonderful opportunity to explore a real life rock pool. They were able to touch a starfish, hold three types of crab and stroke an anemone. We also learned some amazing facts, the children’s favourite being that the whole in the middle of the starfish is both its mouth and bottom!