Year One Sports Morning

What a beautiful morning it was for our annual sports day. The children took part in events such as hurdles, javelin, dribbling the football, long jump, egg and spoon race and our favourite….the sack race! Every child tried their very best and all enjoyed competing in the events. It was a very close competition – the blue team were the winners with the orange and yellow teams coming a close second and third. We ended the morning with a special ice lolly treat kindly provided by FONCA. We all had a great time!

Celebration of learning

We have had an amazing week working extremely hard on our phonics and reading. We loved playing ‘Obb and Bob’ game showing our enthusiasm and great knowledge of phonics. We ended up our busy week with a celebration of learning. We enjoyed dancing, singing and having fun with our friends. Well done Year 1!

We are artists in Year One

Over the last few weeks we have been working hard to develop our art skills. We have worked on our line drawing, pattern and texture techniques as well as colour mixing and shading. We are extremely proud of our pieces of art that represent some of the landmarks in and around Doncaster.

Beautiful artwork

We have been very creative this week and made some beautiful pictures of Islamic tiles using constructive colours. We also enjoyed learning about stained glass windows.

Spots and Dots

We had a great community meeting this morning. We thought really hard about resilience and bravery particularly when it comes to completing beautiful work that we might find tricky.

We listened to the story called The Dot about a little girl called Vashti who found art difficult but worked hard and succeeded. We all got a dot of our very own to create our own mini piece of art work which we put together to make our very own dotty masterpiece.

We finished our community meeting with crew champions – we are really proud of all of you.

Mrs Parsons