Expert Visitor

We had a visit from the school nurse this morning who came to help us answer our guiding question ‘How will I be the healthiest version of me?’ We enjoyed listening to the story ‘Peace at Last’ and talked about the importance of sleep to make sure we have lots of energy and give our brains and bodies time to grow. We got some great top tips for good bedtime routines and shared some of our own, it was lovely to hear how many children enjoy a bedtime story. Before we said goodbye to our visitor we made a pledge that we would all try and make sure that we turn our screens off at least half an hour before we go to sleep and remember that we all get a better night’s sleep in our own beds!

Sharing our Stories: 17/01/2025

Beautiful Work This Week

Here’s a selection of beautiful work from across the XP Trust from this week. To read about other stories from across the XP Trust, visit

Top of the Blogs

Family Learning @ Norton Infants

Class 8 Fabulous PE @ Green Top

Awesome home learning in Year 5/6 @ Plover

Maths is better with chocolate @ Carcroft School

Learning Outside the Classroom @ XP

Light and Shadows @ Norton Juniors

G29 9.2 Expedition Reveal @ XP Gateshead

Share your stories with us!

We now have a new dedicated news email so that you can send your stories, updates or ideas about potential news articles directly to us in Comms.

It might be something you or your students have achieved, a charity you’re supporting or anything at all that deserves a wider audience.

Write to us at [email protected] –  we want to hear about it, write about it and celebrate it!

Green Fingers in Class 3!

We had fun during our family learning session this afternoon when our grown ups joined us in class to find out the title of our new expedition ‘Ready, Steady, Grow! How will I be the healthiest version on me?’ We planted cress heads and peas and can’t wait to watch them grow.

Family Learning

We were joined by lots of grown ups this afternoon. We were really busy planting cress heads to observe in our classroom. – I wonder who will have the craziest cress hair! We also made a pop bottle green house to take home and watch grow. We filled in the first part of our seed diaries too. We can’t wait to see the photographs of what you have grown on ClassDojo!

Thank you to everyone who came and joined us.

Mrs Parsons and Miss Tinker xx

Studying Spinach!

We have tasted it, looked at it and researched it. This afternoon we have been drawing it, critiquing our art and redrafting ready to transfer our final draft onto shrinky dink!

The concentration and resilience shown in class five has been incredible!

Mrs Parsons xx

Y2 SLCs Prep

In Crew this morning Y2 have all been preparing for our SLCs next week. We got our Autumn Term expedition books out and picked our favourite piece of work as well as one we really grappled with. We can’t wait to share our “Rags to Riches” learning with you all next week.

Oliver’s Vegetables

After reading our new core text ‘Oliver’s Vegetables’ we have been finding out all about spinach. In our tasting session everyone was willing to have a try and some of us were even surprised that we liked it! We identified the features of fact files in preparation for writing some of our own. Finally, we ended the afternoon with a lovely art lesson and gallery walk to look at everyone’s first drafts. We can’t wait to have a go at a second draft.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

This week we have been thinking about what happens to creatures as they grow. ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ has been the perfect text for us to read and the children have enjoyed looking at the life cycle of a butterfly. The children acted out the story in our story circle, I was very impressed by our acting skills!

We have used our key text to create some beautiful work this week! Take a look at some of our descriptive writing about ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’…