Preparing Healthy Snacks

Class 2 have been very busy chopping and slicing vegetables to eat as healthy snacks. They tried carrots, radishes, cucumber and peppers. Some children tried vegetables that they had never eaten before and really enjoyed them!

Expert Visitor – Dr Teanby-Clark

Today we had Dr Steph Teanby-Clark come into school. She explained her job to us and showed us some of the equipment and tools she uses. She also answered our questions about how we could be the healthiest version of ourselves. We were really impressed with the thoughtful questions and respectful listening from the children in class five.

We are looking forward to using what we have found out towards answering our guiding question.

Mrs Parsons xx

‼️FAO Year Two Parents ‼️

Firstly, a huge thank you to all those parents who attended our year two parent sessions today. I hope we were able to give you an idea of what to expect over the coming weeks for you and your child. Also, how we can work together to give your children the best experience during their last two terms at Norton Infant School.

Please find below a copy of the slides used in our meeting. We will also send home a copy of the pack for those parents unable to attend.

If you have any questions or concerns going forward, please don’t hesitate to ask one of the year two team or drop me a message on ClassDojo.

Thank you for your support,

Mrs Parsons 😊

Our beautiful work

We have been learning about shapes in Maths this week. In a silent conversation the children listed their examples of the 2d shapes that they can see in our classroom and then we shared our ideas in ‘popcorn’. We also worked hard with our writing and created some beautiful pieces of work.

Baby Guess Who

We enjoyed looking at our baby photos and guessing who was who. One thing is for sure, class 1 were the cutest babies ever 😍

Critique Detectives

I have been blown away by class 5 this morning! Not only did we write a fantastic postcard class model to Lulu the donkey (from our core text!) but we critiqued it to decide how we could make our independent work tomorrow even more incredible!

I can’t wait to see what you all produce!

Mrs Parsons xx

Wise Wednesday – Being Healthy

We had a busy crew meeting this morning! We have been thinking about why it is important to be not just physically healthy, but mentally healthy too. We created an anchor chart – we have pledged to try as many of the things on our mental health list before the end of the year! Great job Crew Parsons xx