Clay Animals and The Songbird Cafe

Crew Chadwick has enjoyed taking part in some great ‘outdoor crew’ sessions this week, led by Mrs Jackson. In our first session, the children enjoyed sculpting clay into different animals. Take a look at some of our creations…

Our number one rule in Class 1 is to be kind, therefore we loved our next crew activity. We got to make bird feeders for all of the local birds and hung them in our Norton Songbird Cafe. Within minutes of them being hung on the tree, a beautiful robin was already feasting away! Looking after nature is something we spoke about in our last expedition, ‘How do we show we care’. It felt great, carrying out this act of kindness.

Crew Chadwick would like to give a BIG shout out to Mrs Jackson for planning and resourcing such great activities. We loved it! Thank you 🙂 xx

Crew Outdoors

Crew Goodyer have had a lovely week taking crew outdoors and enjoying some early Spring sunshine!☀️ Mrs Jackson led our crew on Tuesday when we made some wonderful clay animals and this morning we walked around our grounds looking for signs of spring. Being out in the fresh air and sunshine is a great way to start each day.

Family Learning

We were joined by lots of grown ups this afternoon. We were really busy planting cress heads to observe in our classroom. – I wonder who will have the craziest cress hair! We also made a pop bottle green house to take home and watch grow. We filled in the first part of our seed diaries too. We can’t wait to see the photographs of what you have grown on ClassDojo!

Thank you to everyone who came and joined us.

Mrs Parsons and Miss Tinker xx

Hot Chocolates And A Story

To finish off our time doing XP Outdoors this half term, Crew Gate and Crew Tinker gathered around the campfire and enjoyed a delicious hot chocolate. While drinking our hot chocolates we worked together to tell our very own story… All about a treasure hunting piarate in the desert.