Science Week Community Meeting

This week in our Wise Wednesday community meeting we reminded ourselves of our new Science characters that are going to help us to think scientifically.

Next, we had some Science riddles to try and solve – look at how many scientific superstars we had this morning!

I wonder if you can solve the riddles? Have a go …

1 – With my powerful lens you can look at the stars, and spot the planets like Venus and Mars.

2 – I’m a type of energy. You use me every day … for light, cooking, computers and the music that you play.

3 – I am a gas that is found in the air. Without me, there would be no life anywhere!

4 – I am a precious metal mined from deep underground. I’m yellow in colour. In jewellery, I’m found.

5 – I am part of your body, with a very important role. Your voice, sight and memory are some things I control.

6 – I can be sunshine, snow, wind or rain. I change every day … people often complain!

7 – Plant and animal cells too tiny to see are magnified when you look through me.

8 – I am a liquid. In rivers I flow When I freeze I am ice. I’m called H2O!

Good Luck

Mrs Parsons xx

Happy World Book Day

On Friday we celebrated World Book Day! Class 6 looked absolutely awesome in their book themed costumes.

We started the day by creating crew book murals where we all thought about our favourite books and how we can represent them.

We had a fabulous Alice In Wonderland themed day where we took a trip to the mad hatters tea party and spent the morning using our imaginations to create our very own wonderlands!

How are you feeling today?

It might be Mental Health Awareness week this week but we think it is important to understand and talk about how we are feeling everyday. We decided to make some bookmarks to remind us to think about how we are feeling and to ask others too.

Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week

This week is Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week. The theme this year is ‘Know Yourself, Grow Yourself!’ We started the week by looking at some of the different characters from Disney’s Inside Out. We thought about what we knew about the characters and discussed where we thought they might sit within our zones of regulation. When we circled up for our debrief we realised that some of the characters might not just fit in one zone and the zone wasn’t always the one we thought!

Some really thoughtful conversations happening in Crew this morning ⭕️