Our musician of the week is Elton John – happy listening!
Mrs Parsons x
Our musician of the week is Elton John – happy listening!
Mrs Parsons x
We have been busy in class five with our final drafts of shrinky dink beetroot ready to add them to our final product key chains.
What do you think?
This afternoon KS1 had an exciting visit from Mr Hull, who showed us all his different musical instruments. From the banjos to the base guitar, and clarinet to drums we explored it all.
This week we are enjoying music from Ella Fitzgerald.
This week it is composer – John Williams!
We started our morning with a rose and a thorn check in followed by a talk about why World Religion Day is important. We decided to test our knowledge with a game of dominoes made up with lots of religious symbols. Our check out was what skills we needed to be successful this morning at our game.
It was a lovely crew start to our week,
Mrs Parsons xx
We were joined by lots of grown ups this afternoon. We were really busy planting cress heads to observe in our classroom. – I wonder who will have the craziest cress hair! We also made a pop bottle green house to take home and watch grow. We filled in the first part of our seed diaries too. We can’t wait to see the photographs of what you have grown on ClassDojo!
Thank you to everyone who came and joined us.
Mrs Parsons and Miss Tinker xx
We have tasted it, looked at it and researched it. This afternoon we have been drawing it, critiquing our art and redrafting ready to transfer our final draft onto shrinky dink!
The concentration and resilience shown in class five has been incredible!
Mrs Parsons xx
In Crew this morning Y2 have all been preparing for our SLCs next week. We got our Autumn Term expedition books out and picked our favourite piece of work as well as one we really grappled with. We can’t wait to share our “Rags to Riches” learning with you all next week.
We have been busy today thinking about our first vegetable. We have researched spinach and added the information we have found to our graffiti wall. We looked at a model text and identified the important features and we all showed courage and tried some spinach! We are looking forward to getting our next drafts of our art work onto shrinky dink paper and add it to our final products!
Mrs Parsons xx