Started off the week sharing beautiful artwork and some fantastic geography writing!
Well done everyone ⭐️

Started off the week sharing beautiful artwork and some fantastic geography writing!
Well done everyone ⭐️
We have been very creative this week and made some beautiful pictures of Islamic tiles using constructive colours. We also enjoyed learning about stained glass windows.
We had a great community meeting this morning. We thought really hard about resilience and bravery particularly when it comes to completing beautiful work that we might find tricky.
We listened to the story called The Dot about a little girl called Vashti who found art difficult but worked hard and succeeded. We all got a dot of our very own to create our own mini piece of art work which we put together to make our very own dotty masterpiece.
We finished our community meeting with crew champions – we are really proud of all of you.
Mrs Parsons
We started the week with sharing the beautiful work that has been happening in Key Stage One.
Well done everyone – super stars ⭐️
We were so lucky to end our week with some more experts. We welcomed Mayor Ros Jones along with the Civic Mayor of Doncaster. We loved learning about their roles and finding out even more about Doncaster. We are looking forward to using our learning to answer our guiding question for this term – Diverse Doncaster – Where do I belong?
Key Stage One had an exciting visit from the author Phil Sheppard this morning. He told us all about his love of stories, books and reading as a child and how he became an author. He introduced us to his non fiction books all about Doncaster and shared some of his stories with us before holding a book signing. We’re looking forward to sharing some of our own work with him at the end of our expedition.
Mr West has visited our school and taught us about the true meaning of Easter.
We started the week in a community meeting, sharing some really beautiful work. What a great start to our Monday morning!
Mrs Parsons x
Over the past few weeks the children have been learning poems in our ‘Tranquil Tuesday’ crew sessions. This afternoon we all performed our poems to one another. The children were amazing! It was so lovely to hear lots of poems and to see so many happy faces 😊 . Well done everyone!
We loved reading and sharing our favourite books with our Crew buddies. What a lovely morning we have had!