What a great way to end our week, we added our first vegetable to our keyrings. After a week of learning all about spinach, critiquing and redrafting our outwork we were finally ready to transfer our final drafts onto the shrinky dink paper. It was so exciting watching them shrink in the oven and adding them to our keyrings.
Studying Spinach!
We have tasted it, looked at it and researched it. This afternoon we have been drawing it, critiquing our art and redrafting ready to transfer our final draft onto shrinky dink!
The concentration and resilience shown in class five has been incredible!
Mrs Parsons xx
Shrinky Dink Excitement
Class Six have already started thinking about our final product. We have had so much fun playing with shrinky dink and creating keyrings with our names on the.
Shrinky Dink
What a fun afternoon in class five! We spent the afternoon exploring and playing with shrinky dink paper. We worked hard to figure out how it works (and how it doesn’t!). We are really looking forward to seeing how it will help us with our final product.
We created some great pieces already – take a look.
Mrs Parsons xx
Celebrations of tradition & light.
Last week Nursery were learning all about the traditions around celebrations of light. The children focused on Bonfire Night and Guy Fawkes as part of our own heritage and traditions in England. They learnt who Guy Fawkes was and what him and his catholic friends were planning to do as part of the “Gunpowder Plot” against King James 1. The children sequenced the events in the story during a Crew session and then created their own Guy Fawkes sock puppets during time in provision. This activity took lots of fine and gross motor skills to draw on Guy Fawkes features but to also stuff the sock with straw and then use their cutting skills to make him a hat. Just look at the beautiful work the children produced.
The children thought of ways in which we celebrate bonfire night and created firework scenes in the play dough and also used their painting skills to paint fireworks, which they had experienced at bonfire celebrations that they had attended. We also learnt a fabulous firework song, using actions to mimic the fireworks and our voices to imitate the sounds that they make.
At the later stages of the week the children compared the Hindu celebration of Diwali with our own experiences of Bonfire Night. The children investigated the traditions of Diwali through the story of Rama and Sita. They learned how the community of Rama and Sita celebrated their return by lighting Diva Lamps to help guide the couple home. The children also compared the demon king Ravana (a ten headed and twenty armed monster) to Guy Fawkes as the children recognised that that they were both “unkind” and “baddies” with “moustaches” who had “nasty plans” (Guy Fawkes to blow up the Houses of Parliament and Ravana to kidnap the Sita, the beautiful wife of the Rama the renowned warrior).
The children used collage to recreate their own Ravana, observing his skin colour and traditional dress, along with his jewellery.
Nursery also attempted to make Rangoli patterns using loose parts, to decorate our space.
Class 5 Remember …
XP Outdoors
Crew Thurman had a great first morning back getting outdoors and creating some beautiful artwork.
Mrs Jackson x
Creating Beautiful Work
The children in class 1 have been getting creative with fruit and vegetables this week. We have been learning all about the Harvest Festival and have been thinking about where our food comes from. We then created a piece of art work using a selection of fruit and vegetables. Take a look at our impressive creations…
We have also been thinking of everything we have and what we are thankful for. The children warmed my heart with the things they said.
Well done for working so hard this week Class 1!
What do stories tell us about being kind?
This week the Kindness Elves delivered us another book titled ‘The Bog Baby’ written by Jeanne Willis. The story captured our hearts immediately and tells the tale about two sisters finding a Bog Baby in a magical pond. We discussed how the children in the story showed kindness and love. The children came up with some great examples. The beautiful illustrations inspired us this week and we all attempted to draw our very own Bog Baby in crew…
We then sculpted a Bog Baby using clay. The children used their fine motor skills and created some beautiful work! We can’t wait to paint them blue once they’ve dried…
How do we show we care?
The children were so happy to discover that the Kindness Elves had returned with yet another gift…
We began to explore the question ‘How do we show we care?’ through the lens of ‘The Hugasaurus’. We created an anchor chart of the kind acts Hugasaurus carried out and thought about what kind actions we do everyday. Here are some photographs of the children showing kindness…
The children enjoyed getting creative and each made their very own Hugasaurus…