On the 8th May 2020 it will be 75 years since the guns fell silent at the end of the war in Europe. It will be an opportunity for us all to remember the enormous sacrifices that were made at home and abroad and to joyously celebrate as people did 75 years ago, the arrival of peace in Europe.
In commemoration of this the school is celebrating the day by asking you to send us a photograph of what your child has been doing in preparation for VE day at home. For example maybe a VE day themed drawing, flag making, dressing up in a red, white or blue theme, making bunting or if the weather is nice having a picnic lunch or afternoon tea in the garden.
We have put lots of links, activities and videos on our home learning site if you need some inspiration.
If we could have your photos by the latest Wednesday 6 May to parents@norton-inf.uk
Thank you for your continued support.