This week we have been hooking into our next expedition titled ‘Would you travel by wheels, wings or other things?’. Yesterday the children explored the book Martha Maps It Out by Leigh Hodgkinson. In the story Martha creates maps of lots of different places including her local village. The children worked collaboratively to notice and discuss all the features of Martha’s map. We then used this as a stimulus to predict what we might notice when travelling on foot around our local area. Were they the same or different to Martha? The only way to find out was to go on a walk…

We walked a circular route around Norton village passing The Royal Hotel, Baps and Wraps, the park, windmill and Junior School playing fields. The children spotted and discussed so many other features of their local area including sign posts, bus stops, passing vehicles, wildlife, pets and people of different occupations. Some children enjoyed pointing out their own homes too!

When we were back in school we looked again at the predictions we recorded about what we might see on our walk. The children’s ideas were fantastic suggestions and we ticked off most of our things on our lists! Well done Class 2 ☺️