On Tuesday Nursery were lucky enough to visit Boston Park Farm as part of our exploration of our over arching guiding question for our current expedition of ”How do things grow and change?” The children had a wonderful day exploring the farm and meeting the animals in their natural environment – a very first for some of us. We met cows, goats, sheep, pigs, horses, donkeys, alpacas, chickens and cockerels, turkeys, rabbits and a firm favourite spring lambs!

There were bumpy tractor rides through the fields and forests into the open countryside led by Farmer Jack. The children were invited to sit on and experience the tractors in the barns… some pretended they were going to plough the fields, others were going to collect the cows, whilst some were going the seaside on their tractor. A thrilling encounter for any child!

We took part in farm themed crafts using loose parts and natural materials to create our very own sheep. The children used fine motor skills to carefully construct their creations. They all looked fabulous!

Between all of the hard work and exploring the children also had some free time to pursue their own agenda and visit the beautiful play grounds and areas available really soaking up the sun and nature around them.

Not to mention lunch! Children were excited to share their lunchtime and experiences with each other, making new friends as both Nursery sessions were together.

We also had a stow away – who wanted to come and experience the farm too… one of Nurseries Everywhere Bears!! He had fun meeting the baby lambs too!