Mindful Monday in Crew Parsons

We started our crew circle with a funny check in this morning – how are you feeling?

Then we took our crew circle outside for a walk in the sunshine whilst we shared our news from over half term. When we circled back up we shared something we had found out from someone else in our crew – we even had a squirrel want to join our crew!!

What a lovely way to start the week!

Mrs Parsons xx

Walking challenge

This week in our crew sessions we have been promoting walking and discussing the benefits of this. We walk for inclusion, sustainability, health, mindfulness and for friendship. We have loved the sunny mornings, getting outside and walking around our beautiful school grounds then checking out with a word or caption to describe how walking makes us feel. Some of the words used by our Year One children were, ’happy’, ’joyful’, ’calm’, peaceful’, ’lively’ and ’closer to nature’.

Exploring Outdoors

In Crew this week we have enjoyed spending time outdoors making connections between ourselves and the great outdoors. We have spent time talking about ourselves and people that are important to us before spending some quality time together outside, enjoying being in the fresh air with the people that are important to us in school. It made us feel really happy when we spotted some of the first signs of spring time in our woods.