Class 4 had an exciting afternoon finding out how to use Ipads to take high quality photographs, view them and critique to plan next steps. We enjoyed our expert visit, who showed us different types of cameras and answered our questions.
Maths Week in Class 3
We have had so much fun celebrating maths week in Class 3.
We used numbers in our art work.
We chose equipment that would help us with our addition number sentences.
We demonstrated concentration and resilience during our problem solving.
We practised our maths skills whilst playing fun games with our friends.
A great last week of term
In maths and P.E we had fun racing and learning about ordinal numbers.
Super work in Class 3
We’ve been busy in maths comparing numbers and practically problem solving.
We loved joining in this morning with the #Take10ToRead challenge. Firstly we listened to Tom Percival share an extract from his new book, he then showed the children how to show emotions in their drawings. Finally we all took ten minutes to enjoy a book! What a great morning!
Moving to the music
Our Nursery children had a wonderful time copying moves and actions to the music.
We have been very creative this week:
Lyla made instructions to help her friends to make people in the creative area.
We have also decorated our ‘Little boxes of me’ which we have taken home to fill with lots of photographs and other items that represent me. We can’t wait to share our boxes with our friends back in class.
Superhero Day in Class 3
We have all been so excited to show off our superhero costumes today and have enjoyed explaining in our crews what makes our chosen superheroes special.
We’ve been busy designing and making our superhero shields and completing our paintings to add the finishing touches to our classroom environment.
If we get crew right, we get everything right.
Nursery Sports Day
Our children had lots of fun keeping fit and healthy on our sports day. Well done everyone! You have had an amazing year in Nursery!