Year 1 Dance

Year One have loved the start of our dance unit this half term. So far we have been learning about some of the principles of dance and practising key skills such as balancing and travelling. We’ve had fun linking these actions together to create sequences and have worked with our partners using our 8 counts to hold our balances.

Fitness Fun in Class 1!

The children have been showcasing their physical skills this week in P.E. This includes, balancing, jumping, dribbling and negotiating space. We had fun whilst keeping fit…

Desert Island Balancing

In P.E this week the children enjoyed playing a balancing game. The children helped one another by holding onto each other. We all found that balancing on one foot was the most challenging. Great team work and impressive balancing skills class 1!

Year One Sports Morning

What a beautiful morning it was for our annual sports day. The children took part in events such as hurdles, javelin, dribbling the football, long jump, egg and spoon race and our favourite….the sack race! Every child tried their very best and all enjoyed competing in the events. It was a very close competition – the blue team were the winners with the orange and yellow teams coming a close second and third. We ended the morning with a special ice lolly treat kindly provided by FONCA. We all had a great time!

Fun in P.E…

One of our favourite times of the week is our P.E session with Mr Woods. The children loved taking part in some team work games. They demonstrated strength, balance and coordination. Great work Class 1!

The certificates this week were awarded to Rianna and Carter for great listening skills and following instructions. Super job!