Tranquil Tuesday

We started our morning yesterday reflecting on how we were feeling using our zones of regulation. Next we thought about how the characters in our core text might be feeling at different points in the story. We had some very mature conversations – great job year two.

Class Two Meet Baby Nathaniel

This week we are hooking into our spring term expedition ‘How do things grow and change?’. To launch this we had a very exciting visit from Baby Nathaniel who came into school with his Mummy to meet all the children in Class Two. Nathaniel is only 9 weeks old and needs a lot of love and care from his Mummy which is something we learned all about this morning.

We had a wonderful time hearing all about the things that babies can and can’t do and what a Mummy uses to look after them and help them to grow. The children loved finding objects hidden inside a baby’s sleeping bag including a bottle, dummy, muslin, toy, book, nappy and blanket.

Looking at all of Nathaniel’s things lead to a brilliant discussion on whether the children still use those objects or if they need different things now they are older.

The children were very calm and gentle with Nathaniel and really enjoyed meeting him this morning. He will be coming back into school again at the end of our expedition so we can see how he has grown and changed in that time. We are looking forward to it already!

Vegetable tasting in Nursery

Today in Nursery we tried a variety of vegetables the colour of a rainbow, as part of our expedition on “How do things grow and change?” Most children were very brave and adventurous trying some vegetables for the first time and others that they are more familiar with. They were asked to choose three as we are practising counting to that number this week. The vegetables included; Cucumber, Red and Yellow Peppers, Radish and Carrot.

Hook Week Fun

We are having great fun learning all about music this week. We have enjoyed listening and dancing to Abba songs (our musician of the week). We have also made our own songs up and have been exploring musical instruments. We are looking forward to an exciting expedition this term.

XP on tour!

Today, we were really lucky, Geoff and Dave came to perform for us. We really enjoyed experiencing live music. We even got to join in and become musicians – we sang a Beatles song!

Musician of the Week

As I’m sure the children have told you – as part of this expedition, one of our ongoing case studies is going to be Music. To help us ensure the children are exposed to a wide range of musicians and genres, both past and present, we are going to be having a musician of the week.

We will be listening to music from the artist/s each morning as the children enter the classroom and we will be learning more about the artist as the week goes on.

Each week we will add a playlist to our website and ClassDojo pages, this will enable you to share in the Musician of the Week and listen along at home too!

We had a great time this morning dancing around the classroom to our first musician/s – Abba!


Mrs Parsons xxx