I asked my crew this morning what did they think was the most important thing they had learned so far at our school. I shared the biggest thing I had learned was that I learn new and amazing things every day from my class, crew and people I work with but their responses just blew me away …
It’s Tranquil Tuesday today and we spent our time in crew doing some yoga. We used a Cosmic Yoga video with Jaime on Earth and Samantha Cristoforetti on the International Space Station! It was a relaxing way to start the day and get us all in the green zone!
Crew Parsons’ wanted the link to do it again at home, so here it is!
We are getting ourself back into our latest case study by thinking about what aliens could look like. We started off with lots of alien images and we had to find partners in our classroom to describe the alien to – we discovered we were needing to use lots of adjectives!
After that we designed our own aliens using our favourite features from the ones we had been describing. Next, we did a gallery walk where we added lots of vocabulary around the aliens to help our friends with their writing description later.
Crew and writing rolled into one! What a great start to our new half term.
We started our crew circle with a funny check in this morning – how are you feeling?
Then we took our crew circle outside for a walk in the sunshine whilst we shared our news from over half term. When we circled back up we shared something we had found out from someone else in our crew – we even had a squirrel want to join our crew!!
What a lovely celebration crew this morning. I was so impressed with the children who achieved awards this week for lots of different things – following HoWLs, showing incredible effort and one for being kind to all of his peers!
We loved hearing what each class had been learning this week – thank you Travis M, Lillie-May G, Reid H, Teddi S, Emily W and Rudy W for sharing your learning so confidently.
Class 5 have had a great day in the sunshine exploring Austerfield Study Centre. We tried our hand at orienteering and how working together as a crew was going to help us succeed. We had lunch in the sunshine followed by our own mini exploration where we made journey sticks, maps and studied the nature and environment we were in.
The children all behaved impeccably and were a joy to spend the day with. A huge thank you to Miss Tinker and Mrs Inman who supported us today.
A few children from Year Two spent the afternoon reading, colouring and even had a little sing song with some of the residents from The Laurels. It was lovely to see how much everyone involved enjoyed their time together – we are already counting down to our next visit!
The finishing touches have been added to our bear cub, with Olivia completing his head and each child from the foundation stage putting their hand print on his back as part of our community crew. All that remained to do, was for the logos to be attached and the bear to be varnished before Crewso began his journey to Leeds to join the Leeds Bear Hunt for the summer.
Crewso said his farewells to Norton and began his journey all shiny and proud, to represent the children of Norton Campus!
He was excited to meet his new temporary crew when he arrived in Leeds, stopping for a minute to take in the view of the River Aire across Rose Wharf in the sunshine. Then he happily climbed the stairs and joined his pack ready to be situated in his new home somewhere in Leeds City Centre. He’s going to let us know exactly where he is soon, so that we can all go and visit him! Have fun Crewso! #leedsbearhunt #leedsbearhunt2023 #leedshospitalscharity
We have been so impressed with the t-shirt designs around school today. Below are the winners from the different classes, voted for by the children. Our overall winner, picked by Mrs Ponsonby is . . . Brooke!
We will make sure all of our winners get their prizes on Monday morning – well done everyone!
Thank you to everyone who wore red, designed a shirt or made a contribution to Comic Relief.
Mrs Parsons xx
Morning Nursery WinnerAfternoon Nursery Winner Class One Winner Class Two Winner Class Three Winner – FrontClass Three Winner – Back Class Four WinnerClass Five Winner Class Six Winner
Each year, March 8th is observed as International Women’s Day to celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women from all around the world
Today in Crew Parsons, we talked about women who have been influential in our lives and women we have learned about during our expedition and crew such as Rosa Parks, Greta Thunberg and Professor Sarah Gilbert.
The children generated words which are qualities we think these women all have. They then decided who they know who show them these qualities everyday. We made our word cloud into cards to show the people at home and school how much we appreciate them – so if you received a card today – thank you for being influential to the children in my crew 💛