Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week

This week is Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week. The theme this year is ‘Know Yourself, Grow Yourself!’ We started the week by looking at some of the different characters from Disney’s Inside Out. We thought about what we knew about the characters and discussed where we thought they might sit within our zones of regulation. When we circled up for our debrief we realised that some of the characters might not just fit in one zone and the zone wasn’t always the one we thought!

Some really thoughtful conversations happening in Crew this morning ⭕️

Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week

In crew this morning we looked at the characters from Inside Out and thought about which of the zones of regulation they would belong in. For some of them it was tricky to put them in just one zone!

In our check out we thought about which of the characters we feel most like today, luckily we didn’t have any Angers or Ennuis in crew this morning!

Mindful Monday

We started our morning with a rose and a thorn check in followed by a talk about why World Religion Day is important. We decided to test our knowledge with a game of dominoes made up with lots of religious symbols. Our check out was what skills we needed to be successful this morning at our game.

It was a lovely crew start to our week,

Mrs Parsons xx

Y2 SLCs Prep

In Crew this morning Y2 have all been preparing for our SLCs next week. We got our Autumn Term expedition books out and picked our favourite piece of work as well as one we really grappled with. We can’t wait to share our “Rags to Riches” learning with you all next week.

Thoughtful Thursday

Thoughtful Thursday really got our brains working this morning! We had to work together try try and solve the puzzle – there was lots of communicating and resilience shown!

Super job year two crews

Hot Chocolate And Marshmallows

As a reward for all their hard work last week, year two had a ovely morning in crew this morning drinking hot chocolate and marshmallows. We also listened to a Christmas story and had a quick dance to some Christmas songs before opening our letter from Zoink the elf!

Starting the week off right

This morning we told our partner all the things we have been busy with this weekend then we had to circle up and tell our crew what our partner had been up to. Lots of smiles and careful listening.

Well done

Maths Courage

I’ve been so impressed this morning with children showing their Maths courage and modelling our subtraction methods to the whole class. Lots of respectful agreeing and disagreeing to make sure we all arrived at the correct answer.

Mrs Parsons x

What makes a good friend?

As our expedition on “Be Kind – How can we show we care?” Draws to a close, Nursery have been thinking about how having a friend makes us feel? And what makes a good friend?

Here are there thoughts and ideas from our Crew sessions today….

Our expedition has really helped the children to understand kindness and given them a good start to showing kindness towards others. Well Done Nursery, Beautiful Work!