A book look with a difference . . .

Miss Tunney and I have had the most lovely day! We wanted to see and hear about all the amazing learning going on across our campus, so rather than sit in our office flicking through work, we invited the owners of the exercise books to share their work instead.

We have had children in our early years reciting We’re Going on a Bear Hunt with actions, students in key stage one sharing some fantastic knowledge about castles and how their expert visitor helped them towards answering their guiding question, lower key stage two being so enthusiastic about their core text, The Lion and the Unicorn and finally year five and six explaining how clear and specific critique has helped them to improve their work into versions they are incredibly proud of.

To all of those children who shared their learning with us, thank you. It was a real privilege to hear about your learning so far this year. You all spoke confidently and showed real enthusiasm for your expeditions and the beautiful work you are producing.

Mrs Parsons and Miss Tunney xx

Football Festival Champions

Our determined team of year 2s set off to Campsmount this afternoon for the football festival. We are so proud of them, not only did they behave impeccably, but they acted with great sportsmanship. 

They also won every game they played and returned to school champions with a beautiful new trophy and their medals! 

A huge thank you to Mrs Wojcik and Mrs Thurman for accompanying them. (and cheering very loudly! 📣)

You are all great ambassadors for Crew Norton. 

Mrs Parsons xxx

Tranquil Tuesday

We’re starting our day sharing a book with our reading buddies in crew this morning.

** FAO Year One and Two **

Dress Up Day – Immersion Week

As part of our immersion week, we are asking the children to come to school on Friday 9th September dressed as someone who may have lived or worked in a castle – people like servants, kings and queens, princesses, court jesters, knights etc

Please don’t feel you need to spend lots of money on these at short notice, it may be a costume you already have at home, a mask you can print and make from the internet or there are lots of crafty ideas online too. As part of our immersion week we will be making crowns etc also, so every child will be involved.

On this day, we will be doing lots of fun activities relating to our new expedition – we will make sure we share lots of photographs and videos so that you can see what we get up to.

Thank you for your cooperation.
Mrs Parsons and Key Stage One Team xx

Class 6

We’ve had a wonderful start to the year in Class 6 with crew challenges, bingo, shared reading with our buddies and some super dragon eye sketching.

Hot Seating Zog

In our reading lesson this morning, we decided to hot seat one of the characters we have been reading about – Zog! I was really impressed with the children’s questions and the answers our ‘Zogs’ gave!

Great job year two.

Mrs Parsons xx

Crew Quiz

We had a great morning in year two, working together to try and win the crew quiz! We had questions about chocolate, book characters and even emojis! We all did brilliantly – but the winning crew was …. CREW GOODYER!