
Class Five had a busy first maths lesson back. We have been investigating scales and thinking about when we might need to measure temperature. We have decided to keep working on our skills by keeping a weather diary this week.

Well done

Maths Question Hunt

We had maths with a difference today – the questions were hidden around the classroom! They were all linked to time, capacity, length and mass. We had to work together to find the questions and solve the problems.

We had to collaborate and think really carefully to succeed.

Super work everyone!

Football Logos

Class Five are looking to the teacher versus parent community football match! (Keep your eyes peeled for more details about it coming soon!) We have been busy designing and voting for logos for our teacher football kit!

Awesome job class five ⚽️

Incredible Artists

We have been working really hard this week to learn as much as we can about Doncaster Mansion House. Not only have we been learning about why it is such a significant landmark in Doncaster but we have been creating beautiful artwork of it too. We began by looking at the building as artists and working out what shapes we could see, what the distinguishing features are and discussing what techniques we could use in our own artwork. We worked collaboratively too, to complete a jigsaw of the Mansion house. That forced us to look carefully at the building again and learn about the shapes and lines we are going to need to create our pieces. We all then began our first drafts – we ended the session with a gallery walk to begin to critique our work so far.

I’m looking forward to seeing the final drafts! Well done Class Five