Class Connections

We have been thinking in crew today about all the different things that make us unique – we then realised that all of those things that make us special help us to make connections too.

Just look how connected we really are with our class five jigsaw.

Mrs Parsons x

Expanded Noun Phrases

I was so impressed this morning with class 5 in English. We haven been looking at model descriptions of The Green Ship and decided that it would be good to include adjectives and expanded noun phrases in our writing. Today we have been working collaboratively to generate some great ideas for us to include in our writing tomorrow.

Awesome work class five!

Mrs Parsons xx

Tranquil Tuesday

This morning in crew we shared a lovely story called The Invisible String. In the book the characters think about all the people they are connected to in the world.

We decided to have a think about all the connections we have and made our own invisible string web – we felt very loved and supported in our crew today because of all of our special connections. ❤️

Children’s Mental Health Week 2023

This week is Children’s Mental Health week! We are going to be taking part in lots of activities in crew all linked to this years theme – Let’s Connect!

We started this morning by using lots of objects around our classroom to make connections! Great team work everyone.

Mrs Parsons xx

More Expert Visitors!

We had a visit from the school nursing team this afternoon who gave us information and food for thought to help us answer our guiding question: ‘How can I be the healthiest version of me?’

Problem Solvers 🔎

We have been busy this morning solving problems to do with measures. We have had to use all four operations to help us – some of us even used the inverse to check our answers!

Vocabulary Spies!

I am so impressed with the vocabulary I have heard around our class this morning. We began looking at the front cover of our new core text – The Green Ship. We created collaborative graffiti walls of all of the descriptive vocabulary we could think of to describe the front cover. After that our vocabulary spies were let loose to go and magpie some ideas from the different groups.

Our end product of the lesson was an awesome anchor chart of vocabulary for us to use in our writing this week – I’m looking forward to reading what you produce class five.

Mrs Parsons xx

Measuring in metres

We have been building upon our prior learning this morning – using centimetres and metres to measure objects around our school.

Super job Class Five,

Mrs Parsons xx