The Paper Dolls

After some of us listened to The Paper Dolls we decided we wanted to make our very own paper dolls. We talked about what kinds of things connect our crew just like the paper dolls!! I was really impressed with everyones resilience because we soon discovered making paper dolls is fiddly business!

Mrs Parsons xx

National Read a Book Day

To celebrate National Read a Book day we had our very first Mystery Reader! Olivia’s Mummy came in and read The Paper Doll’s by Julia Donaldson – we absolutely loved joining in with the song! We already can’t wait to make our very own paper dolls in Crew tomorrow.

We can’t wait to find out who our mystery reader will be next Wednesday!

Mrs Parsons xx

Superhero Training

Superhero training is in full swing in Class Five – we have been leaping over villains, testing our agility and improving our speed. We have also discovered our superhero names and created our secret ID cards!

Week Two updates – Class Five

Good Morning,

I hope you’re all having a lovely weekend. I just wanted to pop a few reminders for the upcoming week.

Monday 4th is our Hero dress up day. The children can come to school dressed as a superhero or a real life hero. Please don’t feel you have to spend a lot of money – you could even make a cape using an old t-shirt – examples are linked on a previous post.

Tuesday 5th is PE day.
PE Kit is a Black or red hoodie or sweatshirt
Black, red or white t-shirt
Black, navy blue or grey joggers or sports leggings
Sports trainers
Named water bottle
Please also ensure earrings are removed.

Thursday 7th is our stay and challenge at 2.45 where we are inviting you into school to join in with a craft that links to our brand new expedition. Please don’t worry if you aren’t able to make it – there will be lots more opportunities over the coming year.

Friday 8th is PE day (as above)

We will also be taking time this week to share the getting to know you envelopes we gave out before summer.

Any questions, let me know.
Looking forward to seeing everyone to get started with our hook week for our new expedition! 🦸🏻‍♀️

Mrs Parsons xx

Does Crew stop at the school gate?

We have a guiding question this week – does Crew stop at the school gate? We decided that it definitely didn’t and we wanted to spread kindness far and wide! We have designed and painted wood cookies in class and then this morning we headed out into Norton to hide them hoping our local community will smile when they see them or take one and hide it somewhere else for someone to find and make them smile.

Awesome job Class Five – you have definitely shown kindness today 💕

Our classroom 💛

We have spent the morning talking about what we want our classroom to look like, sound like and feel like. The coloured dots represent the each child’s main priority. Interesting to see what is important to each other so that our classroom works for everyone!

Great job class five xx