Class 4 enjoying PE this week

The children love our PE sessions and show lots of enthusiasm when playing games and non-contact sports. We are learning to listen to instructions accurately following the rules and having fun!!!

Crash landing in the playground!!!!

This week we have had so much fun finding out that some aliens landed in our playground. The children investigated the site that looked like an alien crash landing asking good questions and making thoughtful predictions! 

Welcome back!!!

I hope you all had a great Summer full of sunshine and filled with some fun and happy days. The children in Class 4  settle down really well and they come in with beautiful smiles on their faces. They are working incredibly hard enjoying every single minute in our class! Well done everybody.

Mrs Wojcik xx

Have a great summer holiday everybody!!!

Dear Parents and Children,

Hope you all have a spectacular summer! You all deserve considerable praise for how you have grown this year and how well you have coped in these difficult times. Thank you for your kindness, support and always positive attitude. I miss you all a lot:)

We are crew- together- everyone- looking after- friendship!!!!

Mrs Wojcik:) xxxx

Enjoying our favourite stories

This week we have been exploring our favourite books, discussing the problems and describing the characters. After listening to the story of ‘Little Red and the Very Hungry Lion we retold the story with a story map.  Fantastic work!!

This week in Class 4

We have had another wonderful week learning about famous artists and developing our observational drawing skills. I love your creativity, engagement and interest in all the subjects. Keep it up! Well done everybody for working very hard over the week!

Mrs Wojcik

We have had a fantastic week in Class 4

This week, the children have worked incredibly hard on their expedition tasks, English and Maths work. They have enjoyed spending their time with the family when baking, planting seeds, having long walks and playing games. The children in school have impressed me with their beautiful writing and positive attitude towards everything they do!  Fab work everybody!!!

Mrs Wojcik xx

Our natural Art Project

This week we have been learning about plants and different types of trees. The children went on the walk around the school to identify the trees. They collected lots of leaves and decided to make a leaf collage. Then they worked hard, using a selection of natural material to make the tree trunk and labelled the parts of the tree. Well done everybody! We will publish the picture of our completed project soon!!!

Celebrating World Ocean Day

The children have learnt lots of exciting facts about the sea creatures and discussed what we can do to to keep the oceans clean.

The children in Class 4 have impressed me this week with their beautiful work in Science and expedition tasks. They have named and labelled the plants, planted some seeds and went on the flower hunt in their local area. They have also learnt some amazing facts about Africa!

Brilliant work everybody!