Our beautiful expedition work

We have been learning about animals using non- fiction books and chrome books to find out some exciting facts about amphibians, birds and fish. We have worked in the groups sharing our ideas, taking turns and supporting each other.

Our wonderful week

It has been a joy seeing all the children come back to school again. They keep on smiling, staying positive showing their enthusiasm and eager to learn! Well done everybody.

We have been mathematicians

Class 4 have been measuring the length of different objects using standard and non standard units. We have used some mathematical language to compare objects and worked out some challenging word problems.

Being Scientists….

We had an exciting day finding out about the animals living in our local area. The children had a walk around the school ground to look at some beautiful creatures.

Our beautiful work

This week Class 4 have been working hard on their handwriting, letter formation and spelling. The children have demonstrated their resilience when practising their tricky, phonics and writing sentences.

Learning about animals

Class 4 have had a very busy week learning about animals, sorting them into different groups and discussing their basic needs. The children have enjoyed singing ‘the sorting animals’ song and joining in with the actions. We have designed some feeding bowls for our pets, critiqued our work and planned our next steps. This week most children in our class have received their special award for reading lots of books at home and at school.

Class 4 have had an amazing week learning and developing their skills in writing, reading, Art and reasoning in Maths. Well done everybody for working extremely hard at school and home.

This week we have been very busy learning about the animals , sorting them into different groups and using some descriptive language to describe the animals and the story setting. The children in class and at home have demonstrated their interest and engagement. Well done everybody!