Category : Class 4
Having fun with our learning
We have learnt how to tell the time and had a great time when exploring fruit.
Healthy living
As part of our expedition ‘How can I be the healthiest version of me’, we have learnt about different types of fruit, looked at their shape and texture and made careful observations when creating our fruit artwork.
Music Case Study
Class 4 have had so much fun learning about African music during our fantastic drumming workshop.
We have worked together sharing our ideas and explaing our thinking when making and ordering numbers to 50.
PE with Doncaster Rovers
Human body
We have been learning about the human body identifying and labelling different body parts and making an experiment to find out about our blood.
Case study 1- Science
We have enjoyed our expedition this week making experiments and learning about changing states. We had so much fun when making Chocolate stretchy slime!
Enjoying Goal ball today

Immersion Week in Class 4- creating our class environment