KS1 Community Meeting

It was lovely to have KS1 together in the hall this morning to share our beautiful work from Diversity Day yesterday. The children had an amazing day learning all about diversity within our community. I am super proud of how our children showed such maturity when talking about such an important topic.

Diversity Day

Today, we have spent the day in mixed crews learning all about diversity. It has been lovely to spend the day with different children from year one and two and see them all learning together. Keep checking our blogs for photos from the other activities the children took part in

For this task we used the book My World, Your World by Melanie Walsh to create our own version all about our community. We learnt about what makes us unique and what things connect us. It was a really fun key stage one project. We hope you enjoy! 🌎👏🏻

Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

Tomorrow, Friday 27th May 2022, will you please send your child(ren) into school with a picnic blanket/mat for them to sit on outside whilst they have their lunch weather permitting. If we can’t sit outside the children will have an indoor picnic in the school Hall. Please put your child’s name on the blanket if possible so that we know who they belong to at the end of the day! Fingers crossed for a dry day!

Also, don’t forget your child can come to school wearing red, white and blue tomorrow too! ❤️🤍💙

Mrs Parsons xx

Doncaster Museum Visit

Class 4 have visited the Doncaster Museum and Gallery to learn all about the history of Doncaster, look at the local landmarks and the work of some famous artists. We had a wonderful time!

Student Led Conferences

Today we held our first ever Student Led Conferences – the children did a fantastic job sharing their learning and beautiful work, speaking about what they are proud of and what they need to work on to get even better.

It was brilliant to see the children articulating their learning so well with the help of their teachers.

Great job everyone!

Mrs Parsons xx

Getting ready to learn

In crew we have discussed ‘healthy living’. We made a list of games/ sport/ exercise that we can do try over the week to keep us healthy, happy and ready to learn.

Tranquil Tuesday

It was lovely to wander around our school this morning and see all of the fantastic things happening in our crew sessions – we had children reflecting on their howls, sharing stories and talking about their feelings using our zones of regulation. What a way to start the day!

Mrs Parsons 🌞

This week in Class 4

This week we have celebrated BETTER WORLD DAY and we discussed what we can do  to make a difference and create a happy and safe world for everybody around us. In our expedition we worked on setting descriptions and worked together to make a word bank.  We had a great time when learning how to measure objects using a ruler and a metre stick.