Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week

In crew this morning we looked at the characters from Inside Out and thought about which of the zones of regulation they would belong in. For some of them it was tricky to put them in just one zone!

In our check out we thought about which of the characters we feel most like today, luckily we didn’t have any Angers or Ennuis in crew this morning!

Beetroot smoothie

This week we have learnt about beetroot and found out why they are good for our bodies. We followed instructions to make a yummy beetroot smoothie.

Spinach Cake

Year 1 enjoyed a treat today when Mrs Wojcik brought in a spinach cake she had made. Most of us had never had a green cake before and were surprised by how delicious it was!

Thank you Mrs Wojcik, we’d love it if you could share the recipe with us.