Ready, Steady, Read! 📕

Over half term the children took part in a sponsored reading event in partnership with Usborne Books. Their challenge was to read as much as possible and in an unusual or exciting place. We have loved sharing their photographs and Miss Tunney chose Pippa Evans as the winning entry. How exciting to read in the cockpit of a plane!

We feel extremely grateful to the children and their families for raising a phenomenal £3303!

This money will be used to buy new library books for our schools. Thank you so much!

What is Mental Health?

We had a focus on mental health in our assembly this morning. We thought about who we could talk to if we were struggling and we made pledges of something we would do this weekend to make our minds happy.

I can’t wait to hear about what you did next week!

Mrs Parsons xx

Chinese New Year

This week we have enjoyed learning about Chinese New Year. We have found out about how people celebrate around the world and have taken part in some of our own celebrations in class. We particularly enjoyed finding out about the animal disagreement and how the animals decided which one of them should start the cycle of the years.

Animal habitat research

This week we have been identifying and researching different animal habitats. We worked hard to think of some amazing words to describe the habitats. We used words such as ‘dusty’, ‘gloomy’, ‘dark’, ‘hot’ and ‘icy’. We then visited the library to collect a selection non-fiction books to research the animals that are best suited to each habitat. We made posters to represent our findings. We have really enjoyed learning about habitats and are looking forward to writing our setting descriptions tomorrow.

KS1 Community Meeting

We had a great community meeting this morning! We have been thinking about our feelings and using our zones of regulation in our wise Wednesday sessions, so today we decided to think about how we could get ourself or others more into the green zone. We played charades and Mrs Parsons says!

I was so impressed with the confidence of all of our little actors!

We even managed to celebrate our brilliant basketball team who took part in a tournament at Campsmount yesterday.

Mrs Parsons xx

KS1 Nativity

Our Key Stage One children did two amazing performances of ‘A Miracle in Town’. They sang beautifully, spoke clearly and performed confidently to their audiences. We are very proud of each and every one of you!!

A Truly Magical Time of the Year…

We were super excited this morning to take part in our very special assembly. Mr West visited our school again and this time he taught us about the Christmas celebrations. We enjoyed acting out the Christmas story, singing Christmas songs and discussing the meaning of Christmas. We loved learning about this special festival and we are looking forward to exploring it further in our RE lessons. Thank you Mr West for making this time of year even more magical for our school!