We’ve had another busy week working hard both at home and in school. Take a look at some of the beautiful work we have produced.
Thank you for all your hard work this week Class 3 you have all been amazing!
Mrs Goodyer x
We’ve had another busy week working hard both at home and in school. Take a look at some of the beautiful work we have produced.
Thank you for all your hard work this week Class 3 you have all been amazing!
Mrs Goodyer x
Well it certainly hasn’t been the start to the new year that we were expecting but I am so proud of everyone in Class 3. Whether you have been learning in school or at home, you have all been fantastic! You have immersed yourselves in our new expedition, learned how to use Google Hangouts and worked incredibly hard to complete phonics, maths and English work, all with a smile! Parents you have all been amazing too!
Take a look at what our introduction to our new expedition has looked like. Mrs Ponsonby and Mrs Greening brought in some very important visitors.
We heard all about the animals the children in Class 3 look after and enjoy cuddling at home.
We enjoyed creating fact files about pigeons and other animals.
We have been scientists naming and sorting animals into different animal groups.
As artists our drawing skills have already improved by the use of critique!
Keep up the incredible work Class 3, you should be very proud of yourselves!
This week we have been ‘Choosing Chimps’ choosing the right strategies in maths to apply to our problem solving.
We’ve also had lots of fun playing games to practise our phonics skills.
We have been geographers, sharing what we know about maps and working together to answer the question ‘What is Norton like?’
We explored Beegu’s thoughts and feelings. Everyone enjoyed wearing Beegu ears to help us get into character and think about what she might be saying throughout the story.
We have been getting active and learning a new space dance. It’s great for a quick ‘brain break’ and it’s so much fun!
This week we have been super scientists exploring materials and their properties and carrying out our own tests to investigate waterproof and absorbent materials.
We have been busy doing some brilliant Math’s work today.
Our core text this half term is Beegu by Alexis Deacon. We have worked hard and had fun predicting what the story might be about and describing Beegu the main character.
We have used our creative skills to collage Beegu, used construction to make her some new alien friends and made her some space buggies for when she goes back to her own planet.
Welcome back Class 3.
We’ve had a fantastic, busy and exciting first week back at school. On Tuesday we heard a ‘crash’ and a ‘bang’ and when we went outside to investigate we found there had been a crash landing on the playground!
We found evidence of aliens, they even left us some messages, but we think we might have been a bit too noisy for any to want to stick around!
We’re going to keep our eyes peeled for any more signs of friendly aliens.
Class 3 have had another busy week working both in school and at home. Take a look at some of the lovely things they have been doing.
Having fun writing silly sentences, tips for how to look after giraffes and beautiful tree descriptions.
Working hard with this week’s maths challenges.
Practising new skills at home…
Finally the children in school have been thinking about a special date on the calendar. To all the Class 3 Dads, “Happy Father’s Day!”
Have a wonderful weekend and as always keep safe.
Mrs Goodyer