Case Study 1: Science

We began our first case study by looking at the human body. We worked together to put skeletons back together, label the parts of the body and even locate where the internal organs are.

We moved on to exploring our senses and enjoyed being sense detectives.

Finally we explored the world around us using our senses.

Immersion Week

We have had an amazing start to our new term and had so much fun this week trying to work out what our new expedition might be. Take a look at some of the activities we have enjoyed.

Crew breakfast.

Planning the decorations for our chocolate room.

Getting creative!

Getting active and enjoying the sunshine!

Class 3 Reunited

It was so lovely to welcome everybody back to school on Monday and we’ve had a wonderful week so far.

In crew we shared our feelings about being back together, talked about what we are thankful for and reminded ourselves that we are always there for each other.

So many smiles catching up with our friends!

We had so much fun working together to create and perform our dances in P.E.

Happy to have our talk partners back again and be able to work together on our maths problems.

Having fun at our ‘not so silent’ silent disco!

World Book Day

We had a wonderful day celebrating World Book Day with fancy dress, activities and the Masked Reader.

Class 3’s Fabulous Week

We’ve had fun at school and at home exploring and identifying the animals that live in our local environment.

We have continued to share our love of books in our weekly reading target crew.

In maths this week we have enjoyed working practically to compare and measure lengths and heights.

Another Wonderful Week!

This week in English and expedition we have had some great discussions about whether animals should be kept in zoos. We began by exploring reasons for and against and then came to our own conclusions. Do you agree?

In art we have been producing some beautiful drawings and redrafting our work to make it even better.

And finally we have had a wonderful week of reading which culminated in sharing our book reviews in our reading target crew.

Have a wonderful half term everyone! x

This Week in Class 3

This week in English and expedition we have been producing non-chronological reports.

After identifying the key features of non-chronological reports we began using books, videos and the internet to research animals and complete research maps.

We then used everything we’d learned about non-chronological reports and animals to write our own. Take a look at some of our beautiful work.

In maths we have been working hard adding and subtracting using number bonds, tens frames, part whole models and bar models.

Another Busy Week!

We have had a lovely week so far planning our alternative stories to ‘How to Heal a Broken Wing.’ Take a look at some of our opening story plans and the main characters we have had fun creating.

So much wonderful work produced both at home and in school. Thank you for your great effort once again Class 3, keep it up!