Art in Class 3

We’ve had fun this week studying the work of the illustrator Quentin Blake. Our challenge has been to draw ourselves in his style. We’ve worked hard to improve our drafts, critiquing our work with our friends.

Watch this space for our finished work!

A great last week of term

In maths and P.E we had fun racing and learning about ordinal numbers.

Super work in Class 3

We’ve been busy in maths comparing numbers and practically problem solving.

Another busy week in Class 3

Exploring our text ‘Supertato’ in literacy this week, imagining what the characters might be saying, engineering supermarkets with lego and following instructions to create our very own Supertatoes.

Representing numbers in different ways and playing games to practise counting on.

Putting great effort into our P.E lessons this week practising ball control and working together during our team games.

This Week in Class 3

In maths this week we began by investigating and sorting objects by different criteria. We then got active moving and counting with Spiderman before settling down to work hard; matching, ordering and writing missing numbers.

We are continuing to work hard to develop our ball control in P.E.

In phonics we have been word building and found that team work was they key to success!

Superhero Day in Class 3

We have all been so excited to show off our superhero costumes today and have enjoyed explaining in our crews what makes our chosen superheroes special.

We’ve been busy designing and making our superhero shields and completing our paintings to add the finishing touches to our classroom environment.

Welcome back!

We’ve had a wonderful start to our new year with lots of smiles this week. We have met our new crews, had lots of fun developing our team work skills through competitions and games and have practised our listening skills in music.

Case Study 2: Music

In Class 3 we have been using the chrome books to research our chosen instruments.

We have also been studying instruments and making sketches to accompany our fact files.

In maths this week we have been recapping telling the time and having fun playing games using our number bonds to 10 and 20.

Welcome back!

To introduce our new core text ‘Handa’s Surprise’ we have been exploring Africa and learning about the animals, the clothing and the music.

We had so much fun creating animal collages to decorate our classroom.

We used fabric paints to design and decorate our African inspired t-shirts.

On Tuesday we had an amazing time during our African drumming workshop with our drumming expert Rome.