Please keep this date in your diary…

Thursday 21st April (Year 2 -9.00-9.30) 

Friday 22nd April (Year 1 – 9.00 – 9.30) 

In our next expedition we are looking in detail at Norton and our local area, including the history of our school and community. We would like to invite family members to an informal coffee morning where you can have a drink and a bun while sharing your experiences of how Norton and our school  have  changed over the years. If you have experience of living in a contrasting area too then it would be great for the children to be able to compare. Even better, if you have old photographs to share then we would love to see them.

Thank you

Key stage 1 team x

Getting ready for our learning with the daily mile

It was so lovely to complete our daily mile in the sunshine today. It woke us up after lunch and helped us to feel alert and ready for maths.

We are geographers in Class 3

This week we have been considering the question ‘What is geography?’ We took part in a scavenger hunt around school to photograph clues that helped us to answer the question. We studied a variety of maps identifying their features and finally located the 7 continents and 5 oceans of the world.

Exploring habitats in Class 3

This week Class 3 have been exploring habitats and the animals that live there. We’ve researched with our partners using books and the internet and have enjoyed watching lots of interesting videos that have helped us to learn more about habitats around the world. We are looking forward to completing our presentations and sharing them in crew.

Fact finding

This week in Class 3 we have been exploring features of non-chronological reports in our shared reading lessons. We have also demonstrated great decoding skills and found out so many interesting facts about polar bears.

Collaboration in Class 3

Maths Week in Class 3

We have had so much fun celebrating maths week in Class 3.

We used numbers in our art work.

We chose equipment that would help us with our addition number sentences.

We demonstrated concentration and resilience during our problem solving.

We practised our maths skills whilst playing fun games with our friends.