Science Week Community Meeting

This week in our Wise Wednesday community meeting we reminded ourselves of our new Science characters that are going to help us to think scientifically.

Next, we had some Science riddles to try and solve – look at how many scientific superstars we had this morning!

I wonder if you can solve the riddles? Have a go …

1 – With my powerful lens you can look at the stars, and spot the planets like Venus and Mars.

2 – I’m a type of energy. You use me every day … for light, cooking, computers and the music that you play.

3 – I am a gas that is found in the air. Without me, there would be no life anywhere!

4 – I am a precious metal mined from deep underground. I’m yellow in colour. In jewellery, I’m found.

5 – I am part of your body, with a very important role. Your voice, sight and memory are some things I control.

6 – I can be sunshine, snow, wind or rain. I change every day … people often complain!

7 – Plant and animal cells too tiny to see are magnified when you look through me.

8 – I am a liquid. In rivers I flow When I freeze I am ice. I’m called H2O!

Good Luck

Mrs Parsons xx

Year 1 Dance

Year One have loved the start of our dance unit this half term. So far we have been learning about some of the principles of dance and practising key skills such as balancing and travelling. Weā€™ve had fun linking these actions together to create sequences and have worked with our partners using our 8 counts to hold our balances.

Science Week in Year One

Science is about understanding and making sense of the world around us. It allows us to be creative and curious, as well as being able to answer questions that we may have. To celebrate science week Year One have been planning and carrying out an investigation to help us answer the question ā€˜How do flowers and other plants drink?ā€™ Weā€™ve made predictions and considered how we can make our tests fair. Today with the help of our grown ups weā€™ve worked together to set up our experiment.

We are excited to see what happens to our flowers over the next few days and to answer some of the questions we have been asking.

Which colour will we see first in our flowers?

Will the colours mix and make new colours in the flowers?

How long will it take for the flowers to change colour?

Crew Outdoors

Crew Goodyer have had a lovely week taking crew outdoors and enjoying some early Spring sunshine!ā˜€ļø Mrs Jackson led our crew on Tuesday when we made some wonderful clay animals and this morning we walked around our grounds looking for signs of spring. Being out in the fresh air and sunshine is a great way to start each day.

Childrenā€™s Mental Health Awareness Week

In crew this morning we looked at the characters from Inside Out and thought about which of the zones of regulation they would belong in. For some of them it was tricky to put them in just one zone!

In our check out we thought about which of the characters we feel most like today, luckily we didn’t have any Angers or Ennuis in crew this morning!

Art and Design & Technology in Year One

Class 3 enjoyed practising and developing their shading skills this week. It was great to see their hard work pay off when they applied these skills to their final beetroot drafts.

In design and technology they learnt how to safely use a grater to grate the beetroot ready for our delicious beetroot, banana and apple smoothies!