Celebrating Pancake Day 🥞

Today we celebrated Shrove Tuesday and the start of Lent in the best way possible… tasting pancakes!

Children in EYFS were able to choose a topping to spread on their pancake. It’s no surprise that the most popular option was chocolate spread. 😋 The children were challenged to use their fine motor skills to control the knife and spread their topping independently.

Today we have also enjoyed listening to the story Mr Wolf’s Pancakes by Jan Fearnley and reading more information about why we celebrate Shrove Tuesday by eating pancakes. We discussed how tomorrow is the start of Lent and the beginning of the countdown to Easter Sunday. ✝️🐣 We are going to continue learning more about Easter and why it is a special Christian celebration later in the term.

How can we represent the number 10?

In maths today our warm up challenge was to represent the number 10 in lots of different ways. I was so impressed with how the children used their existing knowledge and understanding of number to create their representations. We used number fans, numicon, ten frames, multilink and paper. We also sorted visual representations into two groups, those that were 10 and those that were not. Great work Class 2!

Gung Hay Fat Choi! Happy New Year!

This week the children across EYFS have been celebrating Chinese New Year. We have enjoyed writing Chinese symbols, tasting prawn crackers, using chopsticks and dragon dancing in PE 🐉🥢🥡

Soft Play Fun 😀

During our PE session today we got our heart rates up by skipping, jumping, hopping, climbing, sliding, rolling and bouncing around the hall with the soft play equipment. The children had a great time!

Open Wide and Say Ahhhhh! 🦷🪥

Today the children in EYFS were visited by Kirsty and Ellie, a dentist and dental nurse, who delivered a workshop on how to look after our teeth. We discussed why it’s important to brush our teeth for two minutes twice a day and played a game which prompted us to think carefully about which foods help to keep our teeth healthy. The children also loved getting a sticker at the end! 😀

This workshop has supported children in answering our expedition question ‘How do things grow and change?’. For the next two weeks we are continuing to explore how our bodies develop from birth and how we can make the best choices to help them grow. Today we learned that brushing our teeth is a great way to start!

Preparing Healthy Snacks

Class 2 have been very busy chopping and slicing vegetables to eat as healthy snacks. They tried carrots, radishes, cucumber and peppers. Some children tried vegetables that they had never eaten before and really enjoyed them!

Class Two Meet Baby Nathaniel

This week we are hooking into our spring term expedition ‘How do things grow and change?’. To launch this we had a very exciting visit from Baby Nathaniel who came into school with his Mummy to meet all the children in Class Two. Nathaniel is only 9 weeks old and needs a lot of love and care from his Mummy which is something we learned all about this morning.

We had a wonderful time hearing all about the things that babies can and can’t do and what a Mummy uses to look after them and help them to grow. The children loved finding objects hidden inside a baby’s sleeping bag including a bottle, dummy, muslin, toy, book, nappy and blanket.

Looking at all of Nathaniel’s things lead to a brilliant discussion on whether the children still use those objects or if they need different things now they are older.

The children were very calm and gentle with Nathaniel and really enjoyed meeting him this morning. He will be coming back into school again at the end of our expedition so we can see how he has grown and changed in that time. We are looking forward to it already!

Hooking in to our spring term expedition…

Today we welcomed the children back into Class 2 by starting to hook them into our next expedition. A doctors surgery has been set up in the classroom and the children have loved role playing many different characters. We heard creative narratives from the patients about their ailments and observed very kind behaviour by the doctors and nurses looking after them. The receptionists worked hard recording patients appointments in the book and answering their phone calls. It’s been great fun!

Wriggly Nativity Superstars!

All the children in Nursery and Reception sang their hearts out during their performances of Wriggly Nativity this week. It was wonderful to see them perform so confidently and share the good news of Christmas with their loved ones ⭐️

Here are some photographs of children in Class 2 enjoying wearing their costumes during our dress rehearsal 😀