What happens where the sea meets the shore?

We’ve had a great first week back hooking into our summer term expedition titled ‘What happens where the sea meets the shore?’.

We have been reading Commotion in the Ocean by Giles Andreae and learning some really interesting facts about lot of different sea creatures. Did you know that an octopus has three hearts and blue blood? The children in Class Two do!

This stimulated lots of exciting discussions about how we could immerse our classroom to represent out new expedition. The children chose to make an octopus along with lots of other sea creatures! Beautiful work Class Two!

Finding the magic in science…

This week in reception the children have been scientists. We have been learning about how things grow and how we care for plants. We planted our very own cress seeds. It’s been great watching them grow…

We wanted to find out about how plants absorb water. We carried out the ‘celery colour change’ experiment. We discovered that tiny tubes transport the water and it moves up into the celery.

Finally we investigated things that change state. We made predictions about things that melt and things that won’t melt. The children enjoyed passing around the ice and feeling it changing state. The excitement continues tomorrow when we will be melting chocolate and making something yummy!

NIS – Poetry Jam 📚😊

Over the past few weeks the children have been learning poems in our ‘Tranquil Tuesday’ crew sessions. This afternoon we all performed our poems to one another. The children were amazing! It was so lovely to hear lots of poems and to see so many happy faces 😊 . Well done everyone!

We are mathematicians!

Here is a gallery of photographs demonstrating some recent mathematical thinking by the children in Reception. We have been completing tasks such as sorting objects by different criteria, ordering numbers correctly and exploring numbers 6 to 10 discovering how they are composed of five and so many more. The children demonstrated this knowledge using multilink cubes of different colours. Well done Class Two, you are working so hard!

Once Upon a Time…

During the spring term children in the EYFS took part in a learning expedition titled ‘Once Upon a Time’ answering the question ‘Who is hiding in the pages of this book?’ The children explored many traditional fairy tales and completed activities all about the characters and events in the books.

Yesterday the children presented their learning to their parents and carers. They explained the key learning that took place, shared photographs of the activities they took part in and sang songs about the stories. We also shared the children’s learning journals looking at the beautiful work they had created.

Finally, the children were presented with a story book to take home that they will keep as a lasting legacy of this expedition. Inside the book is a QR code that leads to a video of our EYFS children performing a song titled ‘Watch Out for the Troll‘. Well done Class 2, you are working so hard and getting so smart!

World Book Day 📕🍫

We had the most amazing time on World Book Day and there was laughter and smiles all round all day! The children looked fantastic in their costumes and they loved taking part in so many fun activities. It was very exciting for all children to receive a Wonka Bar from Willy Wonka himself. The lucky golden ticket winners got the chance to visit his pop-up toy shop to choose a gift to take home.

A huge thank you to the Friends of Norton Campus Association for organising such a wonderful event for the children! And a big shout out to Mr Carr for embracing the opportunity to create some magic for the day!

Ready, Steady, Read! 📕

Over half term the children took part in a sponsored reading event in partnership with Usborne Books. Their challenge was to read as much as possible and in an unusual or exciting place. We have loved sharing their photographs and Miss Tunney chose Pippa Evans as the winning entry. How exciting to read in the cockpit of a plane!

We feel extremely grateful to the children and their families for raising a phenomenal £3303!

This money will be used to buy new library books for our schools. Thank you so much!

Mr Wolf’s Pancakes

This week the children in Reception have been exploring the story Mr Wolf’s Pancakes by Jan Fearnley. In the story Mr Wolf made lots of delicious pancakes that his neighbours wanted to share with him.

The children then used their skills to create their own pancakes. They loved flipping them in the play dough area!

The children then learned the instructions of how to make a pancake. They thought of their own actions and then performed this in their crews.

Next the children ordered the instructions in their books and created some beautiful writing to annotate their work. Well done Class Two!