If you go down to the woods today…

We had a brilliant time on our field work visit to Austerfield Study Centre. After an exciting bus ride we arrived ready to start a day of outdoor adventures.

Our first activity was sharing the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

Afterwards we headed into the woods to create some woodland porridge. We collected leaves, sand, mud, stones and sticks and then added water to create our own recipes. Yum!

Next, we tried creating some transient art using natural resources to make Daddy Bear, Mummy Bear and Baby Bear faces.

Then we went on a scavenger hunt finding pictures of objects from the story and played a chasing game where we took it in turns to play the three bears.

After an active morning in the fresh air it was time for lunch followed by playing on the trim trail with Class 1.

Parent Workshop on Phonics

It was fantastic to see so many parents at the workshops on phonics yesterday. We hope you found the session informative and a useful insight into how we teach children to read in school.

All parents of children in Reception and Year 1 have been sent an email today containing the information shared at the workshop. The powerpoint presentation gives more information about what phonics is, how we teach phonics lessons in school and the Year 1 phonics screening check. It also shares helpful tips to support parents in reading with their child at home. 

The presentation contains this link https://parents.fft.org.uk/ to the FFT Success for All Parent Portal. Here you will find further helpful information, videos demonstrating how to pronounce all phonemes and be able to access the Shared Reader e-library of books that children use in their phonics lessons every day. The school’s passcode to enter the portal is vyd5iy. 

We also included in the email some helpful handouts that support answering some frequently asked questions by parents. We hope you will find the sound cards, alphabet strip and list of alliterative and formation phrases useful at home.

If you have any other questions or queries, please do not hesitate to speak to your child’s teacher.

Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Kendrew-Jones

Looking into the Past

In case study one of our current expedition we have been reading the story Dogger by Shirley Hughes. As Dogger was first published in 1977 the children have been discussing the similarities and differences between the pictures in the book and our modern day world. We have particularly enjoyed playing with some of the old toys you see in the story including dolls, yoyos, flip books, cup and balls and spinning tops. It was great fun!

Fun in PE

Last week the children in Reception were getting better at controlling a ball. They worked with a partner and as a class crew to pass, roll and kick the ball between them. It was great fun in the sun!

Super Soft Play

This morning Class 2 had a brilliant time using the soft play. We balanced, crawled, bounced, skipped and hopped all over the hall!

Beautiful Work

This week the children in Reception have created self portraits using different media and materials. They practised their colour mixing skills and thought carefully about how they could create the best representation of themselves. Their beautiful artwork is now on display in our classroom.

Well done Class Two.

Hook Week Fun!

So far in Hook Week we have been reading The Everywhere Bear by Julia Donaldson. Children have been getting to know their very own class Everywhere Bear that they each take home for a weekend, drawing pictures of bears and painting bear faces. Look at our beautiful work!

We Are Crew!

This week the children in Classes 1 and 2 have been getting to know their new crews and crew leaders. We have had great fun getting to know each other, trying different activities together and learning more about what it means to be a crew. We’ve also been learning the words and actions to our new crew song (to the tune of Jingle Bells):

We are crew, we are crew

And this is what we do,

We stay safe, we are kind

Working hard to get smart!

Welcome to Class Two 😁

We have had a wonderful week welcoming children into school. They have all settled so well and enjoyed exploring the classroom and getting to know their new friends and teachers. We are sure that this year is going to be a positive experience for them all and we are looking forward to creating lots of happy memories of our days together. Mrs Kendrew-Jones and Mrs Murray