Our week in Reception

Our reception children have had a wonderful week exploring our learning environment. They have been designing and making some wonderful models in our construction areas. They have also taken their phonics outdoors and have been amazing us with some of the long words they have been writing! They have been planting their own seeds and observing them as they grow and change into little shoots. Finally, all children have been marvellous mathematicians and have been identifying and explaining ‘doubles’. They have taken part in our whole class lessons and then accessed number areas independently to further develop their understanding. A super week of learning – well done Class 2!

PE lesson in Class 2

We loved our PE session this morning where we practised lots of skills at a series of stations. We travelled across and jumped off of different apparatus. We worked on our ball skills, kicking a football and dribbling around cones and also using basketballs to bounce balls to ourselves and our partners. We also practised Yoga poses that we have learnt recently. It was great fun and was brilliant to see children challenging themselves and moving with great control and confidence. A great effort by everyone in Class 2 today!

EYFS Community Meeting

Well done to all of our superstars this week. It was lovely to share some wonderful acts of kindness and lots of examples of children working hard and trying their best, especially in phonics and maths. Keep up the super work Reception.

Little chicks…..

We have had lots of excitement in EYFS this week with the delivery of some eggs from the Happy Chick Company. We have observed the eggs as the chicks have hatched. We have been mesmerised by them…..

We have learnt how to look after the eggs and also the chicks as they have hatched:

We can’t wait to hold them when they get a little bit stronger!

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

This week in Reception we have continued to be storytellers using ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ story to inspire our learning. We have continued to put actions to the story so that we can act it out from beginning to end. We are getting very good at remembering all of the key vocabulary and using our words in the correct order.

We have also enjoyed taking part in lots of activities in our provision areas. We have used finger paints to create our own caterpillars, making sure we added the correct amount of parts to the body. We have been scientists by finding out about life cycles and have also used our phonic knowledge to write simple sentences about The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

Animal Club

We had some very unusual visitors to class 2 this week. As part of Hook Week to our new expedition, a ranger from the Animal Club brought a selection of his animals to see us. We were allowed to touch a giant cockroach that hissed very loudly, a giant African snail and a very wriggly white mouse. We also got to see a stick insect, tarantula, spiky tailed lizard and a huge lazy frog that likes to sleep lots!!

EYFS Community Meeting

It was lovely to celebrate all of the hard work we have seen in Reception classes this week. Some great examples of working hard, being kind and getting smart. Well done Reception.

EYFS Community Meeting

Well done to all of our amazing HoWLs stars of the week. It was lovely to hear how you are all being kind, working hard and getting smart. You are all amazing role models – keep up the super work!

Autumn Fun

Children in Class 2 have loved exploring the outdoors this week. We have spent lots of time playing in our wonderful outdoor area. Many children have been amazing stewards and have used sweeping brushes and wheelbarrows to sweep and move the huge amount of leaves that have fallen from our tree. We have also had some fabulous examples of mark making, children were especially keen to draw fireworks that they had seen on Bonfire Night.