Community meeting in EYFS

Today we held our weekly meeting. It was a pleasure to be part of such a lovely celebration of our HoWL’s superstars. Some great examples of working hard, being kind and getting smart in our Early Years. Well done everyone!

EYFS community meeting

Here are our latest Be Kind, Work Hard and Get Smart superstars!! It is proving very difficult to choose just 6 stars every week as all of our Reception children are demonstrating excellent habits of work and learning in their first few weeks of full time school….Well done everyone!!

We love books!

One of our favourite times of the day in class 1 is story time. At choosing time I often find the children hooked in a book in our reading areas both inside and out! It’s wonderful to see…

What do stories tell us about being kind?

This week the Kindness Elves delivered us another book titled ‘The Bog Baby’ written by Jeanne Willis. The story captured our hearts immediately and tells the tale about two sisters finding a Bog Baby in a magical pond. We discussed how the children in the story showed kindness and love. The children came up with some great examples. The beautiful illustrations inspired us this week and we all attempted to draw our very own Bog Baby in crew…

We then sculpted a Bog Baby using clay. The children used their fine motor skills and created some beautiful work! We can’t wait to paint them blue once they’ve dried…

Counting Collections

The children have blown me away with their mathematical thinking skills in our very first counting collections session of the year! They worked beautifully in pairs, listening to one another and taking turns. Here we are in action…

How do we show we care?

The children were so happy to discover that the Kindness Elves had returned with yet another gift…

We began to explore the question ‘How do we show we care?’ through the lens of ‘The Hugasaurus’. We created an anchor chart of the kind acts Hugasaurus carried out and thought about what kind actions we do everyday. Here are some photographs of the children showing kindness…

The children enjoyed getting creative and each made their very own Hugasaurus…

Getting Physical!

Class 1 really enjoyed their first P.E session. They really impressed us with their super listening ears. They demonstrated their balancing skills and even took part in some team games.

I think the smiles show just how much fun we had…

EYFS Teddy Bears Picnic

The children have enjoyed a delicious picnic in the sunshine today. Thank you to all the parents for your kind donations. The children had such a lovely time and it was a great way to end the week.

EYFS Community Meeting

We celebrated the end of our second full week in Reception with our Community Meeting in the sunshine. It was lovely to see lots of happy, smiley faces talking about the fun that we have had this week in crew. It was very difficult to choose our stars of the week for working hard, been kind and getting smart as all children have continued to amaze us. Well done Reception.

Meet our Kindness Elves ❤️

We were surprised to find some special visitors in our class this morning. The Kindness Elves left us a special gift…our very own ‘Everywhere Bear’.

The children have loved having snuggles and we all had a chat about what we will do with ‘Everywhere Bear’ when it is our turn to take them home.

We are hoping the kindness elves return soon! ☺️