Play Is The Work of Childhood…

Our family learning session was a real success and the children loved having their grown ups in the classroom. For our children in the Early Years, play is serious learning and it was great to see our families in all of our areas. The children were painting, counting, sorting, reading, building, writing, pretending, creating and getting smart!

EYFS Community Meeting

Well done to all of our superstars this week. It was lovely to share some wonderful acts of kindness and lots of examples of children working hard and trying their best, especially in phonics and maths. Keep up the super work Reception.

Know Yourself Grow Yourself!

As part of Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week, we decided to start off our day by drawing a ‘happy picture’. We had a range of drawings including Spiderman, rainbows, love hearts, Sonic and our families…

In crew, we then spoke about our feelings and that it is OK to be in the blue zone sometimes. We discussed what we can do in school that would make us feel happy and calm, and how important it is that we know how to make ourselves feel good again. The children came up with some wonderful ideas…

Growing Mathematical Minds

Class 1 have been securing their understanding of the composition of numbers in recent weeks. We have been investigating part part whole relations, seeing that 5 can be made from 3 and 2. The children enjoyed acting out ‘5 Little Speckled Frogs’, which allowed children to deepen their knowledge through practical experiences.

In our recent counting collection session the children had some great ideas when recording their mathematical thinking. Keep up the great work!

Spectacular Spelling in EYFS!

This week in phonics we are spelling longer, more challenging words. The children truly blew me away with their attempts today. They used their segmenting fingers and wrote down all the phonemes they could hear in the word. Keep up the great work Class 1!

Cheep Cheep…

The children in EYFS were delighted to find that we had some eggs delivered from the Happy Chick Company. We were even more excited to discover that our first chicks have hatched today! The children were in awe…

We have been reading ‘How Does An Egg Hatch?’ by Eric Carle and have been learning the meaning of some key vocabulary from the story.

We have been thinking of how we can look after our chicks whilst they are in our care. The children have helped prepare the brooder box so it is cosy and warm ready for our chicks to move into.The children have also created some beautiful work about how to care for our chicks…

The children are showing such kindness and love towards our special friends. What super stars you are!

Drawing Club Crew

Crew Chadwick and Crew Inman have been impressing us with their drawing skills in crew! We have been looking carefully at the characters from the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ written by Eric Carle. Take a look at some of our beautiful work…

Yoga Animal Poses

This week in P.E we have enjoyed practicing our zoo animal yoga poses. We thought about our breathing and took slow deep breaths when holding our poses. We are getting better at holding our balance…

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

This week we have been thinking about what happens to creatures as they grow. ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ has been the perfect text for us to read and the children have enjoyed looking at the life cycle of a butterfly. The children acted out the story in our story circle, I was very impressed by our acting skills!

We have used our key text to create some beautiful work this week! Take a look at some of our descriptive writing about ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’…

Hook Week Special Visitors…

This week in class 1, we had a special visit from the Animal Club. The children enjoyed learning some fascinating facts from the ranger. We got up close with a hissing cockroach, a giant African snail, a horned frog, a spiny tailed lizard, a black beauty stick insect, a tarantula and a cute little mouse!

We are looking forward to starting our first case study next week where we will be finding out more about animals and insects and we will be answering the question ‘what happens to creatures as they grow?’ Our special visitors hooked us into our new expedition perfectly!