Better World Day 2022

In Year Two we came dressed in yellow and blue today with an aim to raise as much money as we could to send to our donations directly into Ukraine to help people who need it. We also spent time in crew discussing all the pledges we could make to help make our world a better place.

Diverse Doncaster Fieldwork

We have had an absolutely fantastic day exploring the history of Doncaster. The children took part in a workshop studying artwork, handling artefacts and asking expert questions.

The children took lots away to help them with their expedition – Diverse Doncaster – Where do I belong?

They all behaved impeccably. They were kind and considerate to other members of the public – several people commented on how well they conducted themselves. All of the grown ups were very proud to enjoy the day with your children.

I’ve put together a video of photographs from our day – I hope you enjoy them.

Mrs Parsons xxx

Exploring Norton

Class Five spent a lovely morning in the sunshine looking at local landmarks and taking photographs ready for our art work later in the week.

Getting ready for our learning with the daily mile

It was so lovely to complete our daily mile in the sunshine today. It woke us up after lunch and helped us to feel alert and ready for maths.

We are geographers in Class 3

This week we have been considering the question ‘What is geography?’ We took part in a scavenger hunt around school to photograph clues that helped us to answer the question. We studied a variety of maps identifying their features and finally located the 7 continents and 5 oceans of the world.