Nursery once again had a visit from our friends, “The Kindness Elves”, who brought with them a gift in the shape of a book titled “The Hugasaurus” by Rachel Bright. The story follows a little dinosaur who begins school and makes friends, but it’s not long before the young dinosaurs begin to squabble. The Hugasaurus shares a hug with her new friends in a bid to help them self regulate and be kinder. Nursery have thought of ways in which they can be kind and show kindness to each other throughout the week. We began a mind map and added to it as the week progressed.

We have shared Crews throughout the week where the children have played kindness games, focusing on sharing such as; “Bounce the teddy on your knee” (where the children bounce the teddy on their knee to a rhyme and then pass it along to the person next to them when its time “for someone new”) and “The Kit Kat Game” (every other child has a Kit Kat style biscuit and they have to open their biscuit and give one stick to a new friend and keep one for themselves).

We practised being Hugasauruses and gave all of our new friends a hug, which was so lovely!

Our task to get smart this week was to create our own Hugasauruses using coloured shapes. We have produced some beautiful work.

Fabulous week Nursery!! We are understanding what it means to become kind and making new friends.