Well it certainly hasn’t been the start to the new year that we were expecting but I am so proud of everyone in Class 3. Whether you have been learning in school or at home, you have all been fantastic! You have immersed yourselves in our new expedition, learned how to use Google Hangouts and worked incredibly hard to complete phonics, maths and English work, all with a smile! Parents you have all been amazing too!
Take a look at what our introduction to our new expedition has looked like. Mrs Ponsonby and Mrs Greening brought in some very important visitors.
Darth Vader Bruce
We heard all about the animals the children in Class 3 look after and enjoy cuddling at home.
We enjoyed creating fact files about pigeons and other animals.
We have been scientists naming and sorting animals into different animal groups.
As artists our drawing skills have already improved by the use of critique!
Keep up the incredible work Class 3, you should be very proud of yourselves!