Over the past eight days of this brand new school year, Nursery have been immersing themselves, exploring and adjusting to their new environment. The children have had lots of fun and have began to make new friendships through Crew and playing together. We have been learning all about what Crew is and how we gather for Crew each day, circling up and sharing information about ourselves. We have taken part in crew challenges where the children have had to work together to play simple games and compete against either Crew Mortimer or Crew Winkley. The children have worked very hard to understand and take part in the games and shown courage when talking in their Crews.

Passing the ball above their heads in their crew line.

Gathering balls and replacing them in the baskets – fastest crew first.
We also had some surprise visitors this week that have helped us to begin to understand how to spread kindness. They were the “Kindness Elves” and they brought with them gifts for the children which were Everywhere Bears for each crew. These bears will be sent home each week with a child from both crews, to have adventures of their own, just like the children from our hook text “The Everywhere Bear” by Julia Donaldson and Rebecca Cobb. The children are very excited to have met the elves and have been trying hard to show kindness to each other.