This morning in crew we have been trying out some different calming techniques to help us. We tried out three different ones.
The first was finger breathing. This is where you use the outline of your hand to help you breathe in and out. One round gave you five, big relaxing breaths.

The next was called settling thoughts. This one was where you focussed on the sounds you could hear around you like birds tweeting, mindful music or the wind in the trees.

The final strategy was the listening game We heard the sound of a bell and we had to activate our listening to see how long we could hear the bell for.

Elizabeth enjoyed the listening game because it was really calming. Jack agreed! Katya liked the finger breathing strategy because she hadn’t seen anything like that before. Lottie enjoyed the finger breathing too because she was able to close her eyes and really focus.
I wonder when we could use these strategies outside of crew sessions.
Great start to the week Crew Parsons xx