This week has been a very exciting start to our spring term expedition “How do things grow and change?” The whole of EYFS have been exploring the story “How do you grow a Dinosaur?” By Caryl Hart. In the text a little boy named Albie is asked to help his mother with the gardening. Little did Albie realise, that the seeds were in fact dinosaur seeds!!! Nursery have had a lovely time painting their own imaginative creations of what they would grow, if they could grow anything from a packet of seeds.

We have also had an exciting visit from an expert visitor “Albie” the Ranger, from Animal Club, who brought with him some of his reptiles, insects and furrier animals to share with us. The children learned lots of interesting and exciting facts from Albie and were able to touch and experience most of the creatures close up, such as; a hissing cockroach called Bob, a black beauty stick insect named Del, a giant African snail, a horned frog, a tarantula, a monitor lizard (closest to a dinosaur) and a tiny furry mouse. Albie shared with the children how the animals change as they grow and how they are specially adapted to survive in the wild.

Our final hook was a lovely visit from our Kindness Elves, who kindly brought us some Jelly Beans to try, which they had harvested from their Jelly Bean Tree – just like in our story! Nursery played a game, where we covered the bowl of Jelly beans with a paper towel and had to slide our hand underneath to get a surprise flavoured Jelly Bean. We then talked about what kind of flavour they thought the coloured jelly bean would be? Some of the ideas were “Lime”, “Apple”, “Milk”, “Snow”, “Orange”, “Carrot”, “Raspberry”, “Strawberry”, “Blood”, “Lemonade”, Banana”, “Custard” and “Yellow Pepper”. They were very yummy and we all had quite a few chances to try the different flavours, for some of us this was our first time eating jelly beans.