Heat Warning

I am sure you are all aware that the Met Office has extended an amber extreme heat warning for Sunday 17 July, Monday 18 July and Tuesday 19 July, as temperatures will build this weekend and early next week for much of England and Wales.


As a school we will be following government guidance:

Avoiding outside play.

Reducing break times outside and eliminating them altogether if we feel the need when we assess the heat and amount of shade on the day.

Continuing to ventilate classrooms as much as possible including opening windows and doors earlier in the morning.

PE sessions will be cancelled on these days.

Children will constantly have the opportunity to fill water bottles.

We would ask you to support for the rest of the term by:

Children can wear light, loose fitting and comfortable clothing – no denim please.

Applying sun cream before children attend school and sending in sun cream to reapply should they need to.

Ensure children have sun hats.

Send children with water bottles.

Thank you for your co-operation,

Crew Norton ☀️