Exploring and embedding Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

Over the past week Nursery have explored and embedded our story of the week “Goldilocks and the Three Bears.” The children began the week by being fairy tale detectives, as someone had been into Nursery over the previous weekend and broken our dollies chair, bed and left their empty food bowl laying around. The children were very excited and outraged by this, they had lots of different ideas of who this could be including; “the Troll”, “A big mouse”, “the Gruffalo”, “a bear” and “Goldilocks” herself.

Nursery played in oats, experimenting with filling and emptying containers of three different sizes, using small, medium and large spoons.

They explored and sorted hard and soft materials.

Using their maths skills Nursery measured the Three Bears using unifix cubes and worked hard to count how many cubes tall the bears were, using their fingers to encourage careful counting and 1-2-1 touch counting. The children revisited and used our key vocabulary Large, Medium and Small to describe Daddy, Mummy and Baby Bear.

As part of our Thoughtful Thursday Crews Nursery followed an online drawing tutorial, following step by step instructions and modelling from myself of how to draw a bears head. Our 30 hour children extended this activity to add the bears body using their own imagination.

As part of Flexible Friday Crew, the children all tried Porridge 🥣. For some children this was a new experience for others it was an alternate way to eat their porridge, as we had the option of either Golden Syrup or Sugar with our Porridge. Some children like “Jam”, “Nuts, raisins and Honey”, “Nutella”, “Raspberries”, “Blueberries” and “Strawberries” with theirs at home.

Finally to consolidate and bring all of our learning to life, Nursery took part in mini role plays of the story in front of their peers and grown ups. This takes a lot of confidence and most of the children enjoyed and were willing to take part in the experience using lovely story language. Well Done Boys and Girls! You’re all “Go for it Gorilla’s” and superstars!